
Let me tell you a little more about myself!

So, what’s my story?

Let’s get deep and meaningful…

I’ve had a difficult relationship with exercise and body image myself. About 9 years ago, I was very underweight (for me). Pressures from society to look a certain way and university workload stress eventually took its toll and I found myself overexercising and under eating. The scariest thing was that the shift in mindset happened unconsciously, but it quickly became all consuming.

At the time I had no desire to change my harmful habits. However, when my family saw me a few months later (they lived in Australia at the time), they were extremely concerned for my wellbeing. I didn’t want to listen to them but eventually agreed to get help. This lead to being told by health professionals that if I kept going the way I was that I would become anorexic. This scared me. I wasn’t anorexic – I just liked having a strict routine around my eating and exercise habits?! Except, I was in far deeper than I had realised.

After a lot of work on myself and help from others (there is no way I could have done this alone), I finally committed to making a change. It was 100% the most difficult time in my life. It came with frequent set backs, countless tears and a lot of frustration but I persisted. I persisted until I found a healthy relationship with exercise and food.

What I realised along the way of re-discovering myself (I felt so lost and ashamed of my behaviour) was that by focusing on aesthetics, I would never be happy with the way I looked. There would always be something that I wanted to change or fixate on. By shifting my mindset to moving in a way that felt good for my body and through lifting weights where I would want the numbers to go up (rather than down on a scale), it literally changed (and saved) my life. Fitness (and life) became fun again!

So, when I became a personal trainer, I never felt comfortable training clients for aesthetic purposes only. Not once have I asked for a ‘before’ and ‘after’ photo. I have always wanted my personal training experience to be about so much more than the way you look. Promoting fitness against the grain with a more holistic approach is the way I roll. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have any aesthetic goals, it just isn’t your primary reason to move your body.

I regularly get frustrated with what I see in the fitness industry and am so driven to create an environment where people can let go of any fear, shame or aesthetic expectations. I never want anyone to feel the way I did 9 years ago. You deserve to find fitness fun and I understand that everyone is unique, therefore my approach to your personal training sessions are too.

So… are you ready to join me in going against the grain?

my 3 Pillars

Life is too short to not enjoy your exercise!

Fear Less

The fitness industry is full of intimidating gyms, unapproachable people and unrealistic expectations.

1:1 personal training with me means you can escape all of that! Imagine never having to fear a workout again or dread being pushed too far out of your comfort zone.

Here you are supported, listened to and encouraged (without being shouted at!).

Have Fun

As a society we are obsessed with results. But these results are often superficial and predominantly aesthetics focused.

Do you find yourself wanting something because it’s expected of you? Aspiring for a six pack because that is apparently the pinnacle of fitness and health?

I go against the grain and make having fun the result, where your exercise becomes a hobby and not a chore.

Feel Better

So, you’re spending less time fearing fitness environments and exercises and more time doing fitness that’s actually fun?

Result = you feel better!

You have more motivation, energy and desire to move your body because you actually enjoy doing it.


years of personal training experience
Fitness against the grain

Are you ready to discover how to make your fitness fun?

Book a free 15 minute discovery call with me by clicking the button below to see how we can make your exercise more of a hobby than a chore.